Piotr Rubik meets with Pope Franciscus

Pope Francisus gave his blessing to the work by Piotr Rubik „For my name’s sake” – oratorio devoted to prosecuted for faith which is based on the speeches and sermons by father Jerzy Popieluszko. 

Oratorio „For my name’s sake” is the newest album by Piotr Rubik to the lyrics by Zbigniew Ksiazek for soloists, choir and symphony orchestra. It was commisioned by Papal Society The church in need and is devoted to the contempoprary martyrs for faith. Piotr Rubik told the Pope about the project which was presented to the audience from the whole World durin World Youth Days 2017 in Cracow. This the initiative from Poland to help people in Syria nad othe Middle East countries engulfed in war.

Listen to the excerpt from the Oratorio:

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TnnGs7Zm6o[/embedyt]