Interview with Piotr Rubik in „Pytanie na śniadanie”

Tomorrow (12.06) around 9:50 am, Piotr Rubik will be a guest of „Pytanie na sniadanie”. He will be telling about a very special project that he is preparing.

Interview with Piotr Rubik in „Wiadomości”

Today (6.06) in „Wiadomości” news on TVP1 19:30 there will be a short interview with Piotr Rubik about making special music for Euro 2012

Piotr Rubik in „Muzyczna Strefa”

Today (30.04.1012), Piotr Rubik will be guest in „Muzyczna strefa” at 6:30 pm on ITV television. You can watch it online on:

Piotr Rubik in „Szansa na Sukces”

On Sunday (8.04.2012), around 3pm, Piotr Rubik will be in „Szansa na Sukces” (TVP2).

Interview with Piotr Rubik in „Kawa czy herbata”

This friday (23.03), ) around 7:40 am, Piotr Rubik will be in “Kawa czy Herbata (TVP1).In programme there will be a short interview about upcoming concert in Wroclaw. After that the spectators will get a chance to win free tickets

Piotr Rubik in „Kawa czy herbata”

Tomorrow (14.02.2012), at 7:40 am, TVP1, Kawa czy herbata. They will be talk about writing love songs and about upcoming concert in Wrocław.

Piotr Rubik in „Muzyczna Jedynka”

Today (3.02.2012), around 2 pm, Piotr Rubik in Polish Radio 1.

Piotr Rubik in „Dzień Dobry TVN”

Chat with Piotr Rubik tomorrow in Dzien Dobry TVN. Start from 9:15 am and then around 10:00 short interview about new CD, „Piosenka dla Helenki” and upcoming Wroclaw concert.